Let’s get

Once you get started on your application, you'll need to have the following close by to help you complete the process quicker:

  • Your driver’s license
  • Your company’s registration information including NZBN
  • Full information about your company Directors, including their mobile phone numbers
  • Information about the markets your business services
  • Trade references for us to contact to verify your business
  • A witness to verify your signature
  • If trading as Trustee company, you must put the Corporate Trustee Name and NZBN/NZCN and provide a copy of the “Record of Registration” for the Business Name

If you're applying from overseas, please email accounts@dickerdata.co.nz and request an application form.

Fill in the form below to start the
sign-up process with us:

The Team

If you’re an existing partner, but would like to learn more, please fill in your details and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.